
You are about to make a right hand turn at this intersection. You have the green light. You hear a siren and then see that a fire truck will soon overtake you. You should:
您即将在这个路口右转。您有绿灯。您听到警笛声,随后看到一辆消防车即将超过您。您应该:You are about to make a right hand turn at this intersection. You have the green light. You hear a siren and then see that a fire truck will soon overtake you. You should:
加速超过消防车。Speed up to beat the fire truck.
停车让消防车超过。Stop and let the fire truck overtake you.
继续转弯,因为您有优先通行权。Continue and make the turn because you have the right of way.
Remaining stopped will allow the fire truck to negotiate its way around you, minimising the chance of an accident.


fire truck Sydney NSW


