
You are in car marked Y and want to turn right using a median turning lane. A car marked O, coming towards you, is already in the median lane; it is slowing down and indicating. Are you permitted to enter and share the median turning lane?
您在标记为Y的车中,想要利用中央转弯车道向右转。标记为O的车正朝您驶来,已经在中央车道上,并且正在减速并打转向灯。您可以进入并共享中央转弯车道吗?You are in car marked Y and want to turn right using a median turning lane. A car marked O, coming towards you, is already in the median lane; it is slowing down and indicating. Are you permitted to enter and share the median turning lane?
可以,但前提是您与另一辆车竞速并首先到达转弯位置。Yes, but only if you race the other car and get to the turning position first.
可以,但您必须准备好减速和停车。Yes, but you must be prepared to slow down and stop.
不可以,如果另一辆车已经在中央转弯车道上,您不得使用。No, if another car is already in the median turning lane you must not use it.
You can enter the median strip, but be aware that the other vehicle must be able to complete its manoeuvre.



正如你在这张Parramatta Rd的照片中所看到的,拍摄时交通并不多,但在高峰时段,如果你必须等待两个方向的交通都清空,侧道出来将会非常困难。

Parramatta Road median strip


